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Jr. High School Pictures --September 24

Guthrie Public Schools

Junior High


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2024-2025 Freshman (Current 8th Grade)

IT'S ELECTIVE SELECTION TIME at the Junior High! And time to send our 8th grade Bluejays off to high school!

High school counselors (Mrs. Blakemore and Mrs. Chadd) will be HERE AT THE JH on MONDAY, MAY 20th to assist our 8th graders in selecting their freshman elective classes for next year.

They will meet with 8th grade students IN THE JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM AT 8:15am and students will input their elective choices at that time.

Students, please make every effort to be here so you can benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the high school counselors.

Parents, just a quick reminder that FRESHMAN ORIENTATION will be held for BOTH PARENTS AND STUDENTS on TUESDAY, MAY 21st at 6:30pm AT THE HIGH SCHOOL. Mrs. Chadd and Mrs. Blakemore will be there to answer any questions you have.


Rising Freshman, Class of 2028, as they prepare to begin their next exciting chapter.  Please add May 21st to your calendar and plan to be at the High School cafeteria from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.  This will be an informational meeting to cover the many changes and challenges ahead and how you as a parent can help your student stay on top of it.